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6.2. Tools

6.2.1. Boost

Fedora 12 includes Boost 1.39. In Fedora 13, there is an upgrade to Boost 1.40, which, due to some improvements in the way Boost is built, allows Fedora to be in closer sync with the upstream development. The release notes for Boost can be found at

6.2.2. Systemtap Static Probes

Systemtap has been extended to support user space tracing, and in particular to support static (dtrace compatible) markers enabled in various programs in Fedora. This enables users, developers and administrators a high level overview of what is going on with their system or deep down in a specific program or subsystem.
Systemtap comes with a tutorial, a language reference manual, a tapsets reference and an examples directory.

6.2.3. Python 3

Fedora now includes a Python 3 runtime, parallel-installable with our existing Python 2 runtime.
Python 3 versions of many libraries are available with more underway. For an update on the current status refer to

6.2.4. Easier Python Debugging

The gdb debugger has been extended so that it can report detailed information on the internals of the Python 2 and Python 3 runtimes. Backtraces involving Python will now by default show mixed C and Python-level information on what such processes are doing, without requiring expertise in the use of gdb.