fpaste ChangeLog 0.3.4 - 20090823 ===== *) Validate paste size and content as non-binary before sending; user is prompted Y/N to override for huge pastes or binary content. *) Added options --printonly and --confirm to show or ask user before sending *) --sysinfo updated: Added blkid, top CPU hogs, top memory hogs, X errors, h/w virtualization, 64-bit capable, and last few reboot/runlevel changes *) Workaround to read user input from raw_input following sys.stdin EOF *) Guess language syntax from common file extension(s) *) --help usage compacted and grouped *) Check that 'xsel' is installed for clipboard input support; silent fail on output *) Use 'fpaste/x.x.x' User-agent header *) bug fixes 0.3.3 ===== *) Proper urllib2 error handling *) Catches Ctrl-C while waiting for stdin to show a usage reminder rather than a traceback *) Fixed some typos, and more TODO *) Added --sysinfo option to gather and pastebin basic system information *) Added options to read text from (xsel) clipboard and write resultant URL to clipboard 0.3.2 ===== *) Added modified manpage with more verbose example usage than --help *) Initial manpage draft from Ankur Sinha 0.3.1 ===== *) Initial public release *) Added COPYING/README/TODO *) Only show all language options when '-l list' is used to keep usage compact *) quickfix for urllib.getcode() if python<2.6. should probably use urllib2 instead. 0.3.0 ===== *) Modified for fpaste.org *) Added --pasteself option 0.1 - 0.2 ========= *) R.I.P. rafb.net/paste