Brian Bruns Started this crazy thing James K. Lowden Documentation, maintainer since 2003. Koscheev Andrey Negative money patch Craig A. Berry VMS support James Cameron GNU standards compliance and minor fixes Peter Deacon Lots of help, testing and patches. John F. Dumas Patch to fix memory leaks. David Fraser Testing and patches (NO-DM support) Scott Gray TDS 7.0 numeric support and bug fixes Alex Hornby Testing and patches Mihai Ibanescu GNUified the packet Gregg Jensen Message handlers and extra datatype support and some sybperl stuff? Viktar Klimkovitch ODBC fixes to get libodbc++ working Bob Kline NTEXT support Lothar Krauss ODBC fixes Steve Langasek Off by one fixes and autoconf byte size thing. Debian package maintainer. Mark J. Lilback Implementation of dbstrlen and dbstrcpy Kevin Lyons Various TDS bug fixes Steve Murphree Contributed a huge ODBC patch Dennis Nicklaus vxWorks port and fixes for dbdata() and SYBVARBINARY Arno Pedusaar Donated his TDS4.2 code to the cause Brandon M. Reynolds Fix for arbitrarily large queries under dblib. Thomas Rogers Testing and patches Mark Schaal Cleaned up message handling, bug fixes, ctlib unittests Ken Seymour ODBC Driver Fixes Craig Spannring JDBC driver and CVS repository. Martin Spott Testing and patches Sam Tetherow Various TDS bug fixes Bill Thompson BCP patches and datetime fixes Patrick van Kleef Various bug fixes, dbcanquery() and odbc version checks. Geoff Winkless Lost connection stuff Nicholas S. Castellano Many bug fixes and improvements, contributor of fisql application. Special thanks to Michael Peppler , author of the DBD::Sybase Perl module. Thanks go to the folks at A2i, Inc. ( for funding the development of dblib host file bulk copy and writetext support, and to Dave Poyourow there for helping with the debugging.