#!/usr/bin/python # # Checking DNotify registration/dregistration when monitoring a # file as a file, then remove the file, then recreate it as a file # in addition the directory is being watched, as a rsult internally # the dnotify monitoring sequence is different since we keep # import gamin import time import os import sys import shutil ok = 1 dbg = 0 db_expect = [ 51, # directory watch 53, # file watch count incremented 53, # file disapear count decremented 53, # file recreated 53, # removal of watch on file 52 # removal of watch on directory ] top_f = 0 expect_f = [gamin.GAMExists, gamin.GAMEndExist, gamin.GAMDeleted, gamin.GAMCreated] top_d = 0 expect_d = [gamin.GAMExists, # directory exists gamin.GAMExists, # file a exists gamin.GAMEndExist,# end listing gamin.GAMDeleted, # file a removed gamin.GAMCreated # file a created ] def debug(path, type, data): global dbg, db_expect, ok # print "Got debug %s, %s, %s" % (path, type, data) if path[-8:] != "temp_dir": print "Error got debug path unexpected %s" % (path) ok = 0 if db_expect[dbg] != type: print "Error got debug event %d expected %d" % (type, db_expect[dbg]) ok = 0 dbg = dbg + 1 def callback_file(path, event): global top_f, expect_f, ok # print "Got callback: %s, %s" % (path, event) if event == gamin.GAMAcknowledge: return if expect_f[top_f] != event: print "Error got file event %d expected %d" % (expect_f[top_f], event) ok = 0 top_f = top_f + 1 def callback_dir(path, event): global top_d, expect_d, ok # print "Got callback: %s, %s" % (path, event) if event == gamin.GAMAcknowledge: return if expect_d[top_d] != event: print "Error got dir event %d expected %d" % (expect_d[top_d], event) ok = 0 top_d = top_d + 1 shutil.rmtree ("temp_dir", True) os.mkdir ("temp_dir") open("temp_dir/a", "w").close() mon = gamin.WatchMonitor() mon._debug_object("notify", debug, 0) mon.watch_directory("temp_dir", callback_dir) mon.watch_file("temp_dir/a", callback_file) time.sleep(1) mon.handle_events() os.unlink("temp_dir/a") time.sleep(1) mon.handle_events() open("temp_dir/a", "w").close() time.sleep(1) mon.handle_events() mon.stop_watch("temp_dir/a") mon.stop_watch("temp_dir") time.sleep(1) mon.handle_events() mon.disconnect() del mon shutil.rmtree ("temp_dir", True) if top_f != 4: print "Error: file monitor got %d events insteads of 4" % (top_f) if top_d != 5: print "Error: dir monitor got %d events insteads of 4" % (top_d) elif dbg != 6 and gamin.has_debug_api == 1: print "Error: debug got %d events insteads of 6" % (dbg) elif ok == 1: print "OK"