Overview of changes for 0.10.4 ============================== • Improve the strictness of the JsonParser code by refactoring a large chunk of it • Fix JsonGenerator when dumping nodes with a floating point value • Add negative conformance test cases Overview of changes for 0.10.2 ============================== • Documentation fixes for GBoxed transformation functions • Zero all fields of JsonObject on creation Overview of changes for 0.10.0 ============================== • Fix generation of doubles [Cornelius Hald] • Add more units to the test suite • Add JsonNode macros for quick type checking • Guarantee insertion order when parsing and generating JSON Objects • Serialize GParamSpecObject properties • Add serialization and deserialization for GBoxed types • Add API for serializing GObjects to, and deserializing from, JsonNode • Build environment fixes • Documentation fixes • Generate correct introspection data • Make JsonSerializable in complete control of deserialization [Tristan Van Berkom] Overview of changes for 0.8.0 ============================= * Remove the in-tree Vala bindings: they are part of Vala, now * Remove the in-tree Debian packaging * Fix bug #958: JsonGenerator does not escape special characters * Fix bug #965: Conditionally compile the test suite * Display the filename and line inside the error messages when loading from a file * Fix bug #1203: Correctly terminate a string array * Fix bug #1393: Regression tests fail on OpenBSD * Do not leak memory on error code paths * Improve and clean up the build system * Make JsonNode completely opaque * Conditionally generate introspection data on build * Fix bug #1353: Do not overwrite when copying * Deprecate json_object_add_member() * Add convenience accessors for JsonObject and JsonArray * Add convenience iteration functions for JsonObject and JsonArray * Automatically promote integers to gint64, to compensate for the lack of integer size in the JSON specificiation * Disallow the inclusion of single header files: only json-glib,h and json-gobject.h can be included directly * Documentation fixes * Clean up and remove code duplication inside the Parser object Overview of changes for 0.6.0 ============================= * Allow deserialization of strings into enum and flag types * Add the :indent-char property to JsonGenerator * Add functions to retrieve copies of the nodes inside Object and Array * Fix leaks and invalid accesses * Use the right type for the buffer length parameter in JsonParser * Provide a default implementation for JsonSerializable * Provide our own JSON tokenizer (using GScanner) for the JSON-only features that would have been lost by using GScanner * Add a fully automated test suite, using the GTest framework * Allow 'null' nodes to return a value without warnings * Add support for parsing Unicode characters escaped using \uXXXX * Make the deserialization of G_TYPE_STRV properties more robust * Export the public symbols only * Provide GTypes for the enumerations * Avoid a warning when trying to copy an empty JsonNode * Fix gtk-doc cross-references with GLib and GObject documentation Overview of changes for 0.4.0 ============================= * Support parsing of negative numbers * Fix parse error propagation and message * More parser sanity checks * GObject deserialization support * Detect and parse JSON masked as a JavaScript assignment * Allow using JsonNode with GObject properties and signals * Add JsonGenerator:root property