Changes in 0.99.12 * Fix a libtool version mismatch that led to incorrect library extensions. Changes in 0.99.11 * Some erratic information and behaviour, introduced in 0.99.10, has been fixed. Changes in 0.99.10 * Some fixes. Port to the XBox, thanks to Asheesh Laroia. Changes in 0.99.9 * Minor changes. Switched to Automake 1.8. Changes in 0.99.8 * Minor bugfix release. Switched to Automake 1.6. Changes in 0.99.7 * Fixed a bug that made libcdaudio log more messages than desired to klogd. Thanks to Matt Kraai. Changes in 0.99.6 * BeOS support, thanks to Travis Vitek. Changes in 0.99.5 * The art_data[] member from coverart's struct art_data has changed its name: it's now called art_image[]. Changes in 0.99.4 * cddb_mc_* class of functions finished. Changes in 0.99.3 * Bugs fixed Changes in 0.99.2 * Internal optimisations Changes in 0.99.1 * Cover art support is functional Changes in 0.99.0-pre1.0.0: * The new final interface is here. Quite a bit has changed: mainly interface problems created through my ignorance * Cover art support added * cd_advance() rewinding bug fixed * cd_poll() added * cd_playctl() added Changes in 0.7.1: * Bugs fixed * Internal optimizations attempted Changes in 0.7.0: * CD Index support added Changes in 0.6.3: * Interface changed to support future addition of cover art Changes in 0.6.2: * Experimental CDDB submission support added * Bugs fixed in detecting data tracks * Bugs with the cd_changer_stat function's formatting fixed Changes in 0.6.1: * cddb_read_serverlist now used to obtain the server list * Library interface modified significantly to use HTTP CDDB servers Changes in 0.6.0: * HTTP support added * Proxy support added Changes in 0.5.1: * cddb_generate_new_entry is out, cddb_generate_unknown_entry is in Changes in 0.5.0: * Massive improvements in portability. libcdaudio should now compile under Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Solaris, with Digital UNIX and others on the way * Internal changes. More refined CDDB interface. More powerful CDDB functions Changes in 0.4.6: * Fixed endtrack bug in cd_play_track_pos, the root of all the CD playing functions * Fixed mount checking for symlinks Changes in 0.4.5: * CDDB server list functions added, as well as cddbconfgen, to create cddb.conf * changer.c added, containing functions for working with CD-ROM changers * CD volume functions changed to structures to allow for surround sound control Changes in 0.4.4: * Makefile now generated with automake/autoconf * Support for CDDB extended information added (and helpful processors in data.c)