Changes in version 2.30.1 are: * Work around for bug in dbus which causes an endless loop during blocking operations. * Updated translations. Changes in version 2.30.0 are: * Fix assertion calling deprecated acl function. * Clear the client's session when the service disconnects. * Implement setting of Type property in gnome_keyring_item_set_info(). * Allow predictable testing by setting up a test path and service. * Fix assertion when password is not found. * Prompt to create a new default keyring when creating an item while no default keyring exists. * Try to return GNOME_KEYRING_ALREADY_EXISTS where possible. * Hold reference to operation while waiting for prompt result. * Don't assert on va_list, which isn't necessarily a pointer. * Return GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_NO_MATCH when no secret is found. * Fix up some documentation errors. * Updated translations. 2.29.1 * Branched library from gnome-keyring into its own.