pkcs11-helper Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Alon Bar-Lev $Id: ChangeLog 185 2009-02-27 03:03:11Z alonbl $ 2009-02-27 - Version 1.07 * Minor Win64 fixup. 2008-07-31 - Version 1.06 * Some MinGW build fixups. * Some BSD build fixups. * Fix some VC6 issues thanks to Justin Karneges. * Add version resource for Windows. 2007-10-12 - Version 1.05 * Export pkcs11h_logout(). 2007-10-05 - Version 1.04 * Added NSS crypto enigne. * Added new slotevent mode (poll vs fetch). * Add more invalid characters to serialization string. * Fix openssl decrypt return code. 2007-06-13 - Version 1.03 * Autoconf fixups. * RPM packaging is available, thank to Eddy Nigg. * Debian packaging is available, thank to Sandro Wefel. * size_t printf 64bit fixups (debug). * Certificate session period fixup, thank to Leo Pohl for reporting. * Block signals for own threads using pthread calls. * Fixup compilation error when using GnuTLS only environment, thank to Simon Josefsson. * Allow several engines to co-exist, so application may select its favorite. * Add logout verb. 2007-10-05 - Version 1.02 * Switch to free implementation of PKCS#11 headers. * First standalone version. * Fix invalid certificate max size handling (Zeljko Vrba). * Added object serialization. * Added user data to hooks. * Added a force login method. * Added support for gnutls in addition to openssl. * Fixup threading lock issues. * Added support for duplicate serial tokens, based on label. * Added workaround for OpenSC cards, OpenSC bug#108, thanks to Kaupo Arulo. * Added a methods to lock session between two sign/decrypt operations. * Modified openssl interface. * Added engines for system and crypto to minimize dependencies. * Added win32 crypto engine. * Added decrypt option using C_UnwrapKey, thanks for Christoph Neerfeld. 2006-06-26 - Version 1.01 * Fix handling multiple providers. 2006-05-14 - Version 1.00 * First stable release.