Release notes for pnm2ppa-1.04 November 12 2000 - reduced memory footprint of calibrate_ppa from 36MB to 1.8MB - fix bug in black shearing test pattern in calibrate_ppa - fix bug in silent/vebose switches for error messages. - repair the earlier 1.01 HP820 flashing light bug fix that got broken by the 600 dot yoffset shift in 1.03... -------------------------------------------- Release Notes for pnm2ppa-1.02. 1.03 October 28 2000 - improved calibrate_ppa output, made configuration easier - change default offsets, etc. (add 600 to yoffset) - added an automated lpd setup . -------------------------------------------------- Release Notes for pnm2ppa-1.01 October 24, 2000 Fixed one more cause of "flashing light syndrome" on the HP820C. Other changes: Improved and functional calibration program, now called calibrate_ppa, incorporating Bruno Alix's calibration pages from calibrateco.c Moved the creation of "gamma.ppm" for color calibration from pnm2ppa to calibrate_ppa. All user input and syslog output was audited for security. No incorrect user input is now echoed to the syslog; syslog messages can be silenced with a new keyword "silent 1" in /etc/pnm2ppa.conf. File paths entered as user input are now handled carefully. Gamma color enhancement values can now be given as decimals in the configuration file. The various inks can be switched off in the configuration file (as an aid in troubleshooting). Release Notes for pnm2ppa-1.0 July 11, 2000 --------------------------------------------- This release is the 1.0 release of pnm2ppa. It is fully functional on all three PPA printer families, and has no known bugs. (Is "Flashing LED syndrome a thing of the past?) It can now handle all paper sizes compatible with the printer, and all pnm formats. The documentation is updated. ---- Remaining issues such as somewhat-visible horizontal swath boundaries on uniform dithered color backgrounds (such as in the ghostscript example cannot be resolved without major design changes, but this should not affect most uses of pnm2ppa. (see the TODO file). Such changes will require significant effort (by someone highly motivated) to be achieved. pnm2ppa is probably as good as it can get by tweaking its code with little bug fixes. Improvements in color correction techniques could still be achieved, though (see docs/en/COLOR.txt). Calibration and printer utility procedures (head cleaning codes, etc) could also be added. (perhaps using the PUP utility?) Use of data compression of sweep data for color sweeps could also be added without a major rewite, to perhaps speed up printing. The pnm2ppa team.