import sys import dbus from telepathy.constants import CONNECTION_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM from stream_tube_client import StreamTubeJoinerClient, \ StreamTubeInitiatorClient class StreamTubeInitiatorMucClient(StreamTubeInitiatorClient): def __init__(self, account_file, muc_id, socket_path=None): StreamTubeInitiatorClient.__init__(self, account_file, muc_id, None, socket_path) def ready_cb(self, conn): StreamTubeInitiatorClient.ready_cb(self, conn) self.join_muc() def muc_joined(self): StreamTubeInitiatorClient.muc_joined(self) print "muc joined. Create the tube" self.create_tube(CONNECTION_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, self.muc_id) class StreamTubeJoinerMucClient(StreamTubeJoinerClient): def __init__(self, account_file, muc_id, connect_trivial_client): StreamTubeJoinerClient.__init__(self, account_file, muc_id, None, connect_trivial_client) def ready_cb(self, conn): StreamTubeJoinerClient.ready_cb(self, conn) self.join_muc() def usage(): print "Usage:\n" \ "Offer a stream tube to [muc] using the trivial stream server:\n" \ "\tpython %s [account-file] [muc] --initiator\n" \ "Accept a stream tube from [muc] and connect it to the trivial stream client:\n" \ "\tpython %s [account-file] [muc]\n" \ "Offer a stream tube to [muc] using the socket [IP]:[port]:\n" \ "\tpython %s [account-file] [muc] [IP] [port]\n" \ "Accept a stream tube from [muc] and wait for connections from an external client:\n" \ "\tpython %s [account-file] [muc] --no-trivial-client\n" \ % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 3 and args[2] == '--initiator': client = StreamTubeInitiatorMucClient(args[0], args[1]) elif len(args) == 2: client = StreamTubeJoinerMucClient(args[0], args[1], True) elif len(args) == 4: client = StreamTubeInitiatorMucClient(args[0], args[1], (args[2], dbus.UInt16(args[3]))) elif len(args) == 3 and args[2] == '--no-trivial-client': client = StreamTubeJoinerMucClient(args[0], args[1], False) else: usage() sys.exit(0)