Raptor RDF Parser Library - Release Notes

Raptor 1.4.21 Changes

This is a bug fix only release with no new features. New development has moved to raptor 2 where a planned ABI and API break is underway.

Fixed Issues:

Parser changes

N-Triples parser: Declare acceptance of text/plain mime type with q=0.1

RDFA parser (via librdfa): Updated to fix some buffer management problems when it was passed large blocks (4096 bytes or more), a few memory leaks and some other minor bugs.

RDF/XML parser: Properly reset the ID-checking set at the start of each parse.

Turtle parser: Allow \\ at the end of triple-quoted literals. Forbid '.'s in prefixes and qnames (follow specification). Properly count newlines inside the literals for error reporting.

Serializer changes

Turtle serializer: Forbid '.'s in prefixes and qnames (follow specification).

Other Changes

Updated configure and the build system to use silent rules for the maintainer (by default), or when --enable-silent-rules is passed to configure. This feature requires building with automake 1.11 which requires autoconf 2.62 or newer when building from GIT.

autogen.sh script was updated to enforce the autotools versions above.

Raptor 1.4.20 Changes

This is a bug fix only release with no new features. New development has moved to raptor 2 where a planned ABI and API break will happen. There may be preview releases of raptor 2 with 1.9.x numbering.

Fixed Issues:

Parser Changes

GRDDL parser: Fix XML parser context resource leak if raptor_grddl_fetch_uri() fails. Save and restore error handlers properly to prevent crashes when an error is reported during parsing.

RDFA parser (via librdfa): Update to latest librdfa GIT sources with head a438ce68a40e04b399ec2b2c613d0c867d9315c7
now moved to http://github.com/msporny/librdfa to fix handling single character namespaces (Issue#0000310), empty datatype attribute and empty xml:lang attributes (Issue#0000306)

Added three unapproved RDFa tests 0172, 0173 and 0174 to cover the fixes above.

Serializer Changes

Turtle serializer: Applied scalability patch from Chris Cannam. This switches the serializer to use a raptor_avltree instead of a raptor_sequence for the subject and blanks used with raptor_abbrev_node_lookup(). This fixes a performance problem in the serializing and moves lookups from O(N) to O(log N) - from list to balanced tree.

Other Changes

If cross compiling, check for vsnprintf() C99 compatible at runtime by setting define CHECK_VSNPRINTF_RUNTIME during configuration. Fixes Issue#0000307

Use calloc() for allocating a raptor_statement in rdfserializer.c example code to properly initialise state. Fixes Issue#0000312

Use AC_SYS_LARGEFILE to get large file IO checks which allows 32-bit systems to read multi-gigabyte files.

autogen.sh script fix for if test when uname is not in standard OSX dir.

Raptor 1.4.19 Changes

WARNING: FUTURE ABI and API CHANGES. The next release of raptor 1.4.x will include bug fixes only and no new features. New development will move to raptor 2 where a planned ABI and API break will happen. There may be preview releases of raptor 2 with 1.9.x numbering.

Fixed Issues:

Parser Changes

raptor_get_feature() now returns the integer value rather than just 1 or 0.
Issue #0000288

Guess parser: return name of guessed parser not 'guess'.

N-Triples parser: Produce error messages when raptor_new_uri() fails.
Issue #0000262

RDFa parser: Fix problem when there is a subject and predicate specified on an element, but no child nodes for the object literal using latest librdfa GIT source with head 2ddcb3f9e010d0b3d9ee546e807539be5da1b14a
Issue #0000289

RSS tag soup parser: Huge internal changes:
Recording more atom core structures in triples (such as author, contributor - person) rather than only channels and items
Introduced a new 'blocks' concept to record single element structured items such as atom category, link and rss enclosure
Added itunes namespace and container.

RDF/XML Parser: Adjust predicate_type when removing ordinal identifier type from predicate.
Issue #0000293

Serializer Changes

Atom 1.0 serializer: Now tested and takes more care to try to generate valid Atom 1.0

Turtle serializer: Validate XSD integer, decimal and double literal output. Emit special short forms only if the whole literal value is consumed by strtol() (for integers) or strtod() (for decimals and doubles). Otherwise produce a warning and emit literal in the normal "value"^^<datatype_uri> format.
Issue #0000263
Fix broken collection abbreviation
Issue #0000277

RSS serializer: Fixes for g++
Issue #0000270
Added a new serializer feature RAPTOR_FEATURE_PREFIX_ELEMENTS (short name prefixElements) for atom and rss 1.0 serializers to decide whether core elements in the default namespace are declared with the prefix or without a prefix.
Removed generation of deprecated predicate ordinals of type RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_ORDINAL and replace with resource type URIs

XML Support Changes

Removed generic calls to xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc() and xmlSetGenericErrorFunc() which can be a problem when libxml is shared with other code in memory. They may be called optionally but will do a save/restore of the existing functions. This protection is enabled by the new API call raptor_set_libxml_flags() to set the flags from values in enum raptor_libxml_flags.
Issue #0000299

Use context-specific libslt security configuration to avoid calling generic call xsltSetDefaultSecurityPrefs() which can be a problem when libxslt is shared with other code in memory. Allow the user to set the policy for raptor globally with new API function raptor_set_libxslt_security_preferences().
Issue #0000296

Make libxml SAX2 structured errors register parser-specific handler function raptor_libxml_xmlStructuredErrorFunc() instead of libxml global structured error handler. The libxml flag method above can still enable registerding the global error handlers.

In raptor_sax2_parse_chunk() fixed calls to raptor_log_error_to_handlers() when built with expat.
Issue #0000287

Other Changes

Win32 portability fixes from Lou Sakey:

rapper(1) utility changes: if counting, do not use a serializer at all.

Internal Changes

More internal changes to be more resiliant after allocation failure (Lauri Aalto)

Reorganised tests in source tree to pull out specific directories for RDF/XML, Turtle, etc.

Use a DJ Bernstein hash to replace a linked list for storing a stack of namespaces. This makes turtle parsing with lots of namespaces (100s) much faster. Based on the initial patch in the bug.
Issue #0000290

Use new internal raptor_memstr() function to compare a string against a buffer that may not be NUL terminated.
Issue #0000269

raptor_error_handlers: API structure gains world field. BINARY COMPATIBILITY BREAK: sizeof(raptor_error_handlers) changed. Source compatibility not broken.

raptor_identifier: API structure gains world field. BINARY COMPATIBILITY BREAK: sizeof(raptor_identifier) changed. Source compatibility not broken.

More fixes for compiling with C++

Move some more static data as constant to enable more efficient compilation - moves to data segment of object binary.

Use memmove for overlapping copy, not memcpy when doing relative URI resolving.

Raptor V2 Preparation Changes

Lots of internal changes were made by Lauri Aalto preparing for Raptor V2 to fully attach all static data and config to a new raptor_world object. A new static instance of this class is now used internally behind the existing V1 API and will be required to be constructed by the library user for the V2 API with a new constructor/destructor.

NOTE: The method names here are illustrative of the final V2 names but are not confirmed - These functions are not supported in the 1.4.x series. Some methods will still be altered for fields and (raptor_world) parameters. All constructors should have it as a parameter. All methods will not have them (so for example, all the URI methods named _v2 will lose the world parameter and just have the URI parameter - but that is also because the URI handler/context part will go into raptor_world in V2)

To use the unsupported and experimental V2 functions, define -DRAPTOR_V2_EXPERIMENTAL=1 when building with raptor.

Added raptor_world typedef.

Added raptor world class constructor raptor_world* raptor_new_world(void) and initializer: int raptor_world_open(raptor_world* world)

Added world class destructor: void raptor_free_world(raptor_world* world)

Added new V2 methods:

  void raptor_world_set_libxslt_security_preferences(raptor_world *world,
    void *security_preferences)

  void raptor_world_set_libxml_flags(raptor_world *world,  int flags)

  void raptor_error_handlers_init_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_error_handlers* error_handlers);

Added V2 methods that are versions of existing methods, named with _v2 suffix:

  int raptor_parsers_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const unsigned int counter, const char **name, const char **label)

  int raptor_syntax_name_check_v2(raptor_world* world, const char *name);

  void raptor_print_locator_v2(raptor_world* world, FILE *stream,
    raptor_locator* locator);

  const char *raptor_locator_uri_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_locator *locator);

  int raptor_features_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const raptor_feature feature, const char **name,
    raptor_uri **uri, const char **label);

  int raptor_serializers_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const unsigned int counter, const char **name, const char **label,
    const char **mime_type, const unsigned char **uri_string);

  int raptor_serializer_syntax_name_check_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const char *name);

  int raptor_serializer_features_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const raptor_feature feature, const char **name,  raptor_uri **uri,
    const char **label);

Added world pointer to raptor_identifier object

Added V2 identifier class constructor:

  raptor_identifier* raptor_new_identifier_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_identifier_type type, raptor_uri *uri,
    raptor_uri_source uri_source, const unsigned char *id,
    const unsigned char *literal, raptor_uri *literal_datatype,
    const unsigned char *literal_language);

Added V2 parser class method:

  raptor_parser* raptor_new_parser_for_content_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri *uri, const char *mime_type, const unsigned char *buffer,
    size_t len, const unsigned char *identifier)
  raptor_world* raptor_parser_get_world(raptor_parser* rdf_parser);

Added V2 serializer class constructor and method:

  raptor_serializer* raptor_new_serializer_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const char *name)
  raptor_world* raptor_serializer_get_world(raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer)

Added V2 statement class raptor_statement_v2 typdef for future replacing of raptor_statement

Added V2 statement class methods:

  void raptor_print_statement_v2(const raptor_statement_v2 * statement,
    FILE *stream);

  unsigned char* raptor_statement_part_as_counted_string_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const void *term, raptor_identifier_type type,
    raptor_uri* literal_datatype, const unsigned char *literal_language,
    size_t* len_p);

  unsigned char* raptor_statement_part_as_string_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const void *term, raptor_identifier_type type,
    raptor_uri* literal_datatype, const unsigned char *literal_language);  

  int raptor_statement_compare_v2(const raptor_statement_v2 *s1,
    const raptor_statement_v2 *s2);

Added V2 uri class methods:

  unsigned char* raptor_uri_as_counted_string(raptor_uri *uri, size_t* len_p);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const unsigned char *uri_string);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_from_uri_local_name_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri *uri, const unsigned char *local_name);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_relative_to_base_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri *base_uri, const unsigned char *uri_string);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_from_id_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri *base_uri, const unsigned char *id);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const char *name);

  void raptor_free_uri_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri);

  int raptor_uri_equals_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri* uri1,
    raptor_uri* uri2);

  int raptor_uri_compare_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri* uri1,
    raptor_uri* uri2);

  raptor_uri* raptor_uri_copy_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri);

  unsigned char* raptor_uri_as_string_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri);

  unsigned char* raptor_uri_as_counted_string_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri *uri, size_t* len_p);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_xmlbase_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri* old_uri);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_retrieval(raptor_uri* old_uri);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_retrieval_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri* old_uri);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_xmlbase_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri* old_uri);

  raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_retrieval_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri* old_uri);

  unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_relative_counted_uri_string_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri *base_uri, raptor_uri *reference_uri, size_t *length_p);

  unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri *base_uri,  raptor_uri *reference_uri);

  void raptor_uri_print_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const raptor_uri* uri, FILE *stream);

  unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_counted_string_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_uri *uri, size_t *len_p);

  void raptor_uri_set_handler_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const raptor_uri_handler *handler, void *context);

  void raptor_uri_get_handler_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const raptor_uri_handler **handler, void **context);

Added V2 www class methods:

  raptor_www *raptor_www_new_with_connection_v2(raptor_world* world,
    void* connection);

Added V2 qname class methods:

  raptor_qname* raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_namespace *ns, const unsigned char *local_name,
    const unsigned char *value);

Added V2 namespace class methods:

  raptor_namespace_stack* raptor_new_namespaces_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int defaults);

  int raptor_namespaces_init_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_namespace_stack *nstack,
    raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data,
    int defaults);

Added V2 sequence class typedefs and methods:

  typedef void (raptor_sequence_free_handler_v2(void* context, void* object));

  typedef void (raptor_sequence_print_handler_v2(void *context, void *object,
    FILE *fh));

  raptor_sequence* raptor_new_sequence_v2(raptor_sequence_free_handler_v2* free_handler,
    raptor_sequence_print_handler_v2* print_handler, void* handler_context);

  void raptor_sequence_set_print_handler_v2(raptor_sequence *seq,
    raptor_sequence_print_handler_v2 *print_handler);

Added V2 iostream class methods:

  int raptor_iostream_write_uri_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_iostream *iostr,  raptor_uri *uri);

  void raptor_iostream_write_statement_ntriples_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_iostream* iostr, const raptor_statement *statement);

Added V2 xml writer class methods:

  raptor_xml_writer* raptor_new_xml_writer_v2(raptor_world* world,
    raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_iostream* iostr,
    raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data,
    int canonicalize);

  int raptor_xml_writer_features_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world,
    const raptor_feature feature, const char **name, raptor_uri **uri,
    const char **label);

Raptor 1.4.18 Changes

Fixed Issues:

Parser Changes

A new RDFa parser was added (name rdfa) using librdfa to implement it. librdfa is linked as part of Raptor and written by Manu Sporny of Digital Bazaar, licensed with the same license as Raptor.

The RDFa test suite was added to the test and (via librdfa) Raptor passes all but 4 tests which fail due to different output xmlns attribute ordering (which does not matter to XML parsers).

Serializer Changes

Added new function raptor_serialize_start_to_iostream() to have the new semantics of not owning and destroying the passed-in iostream. This allows the caller to serialize to an existing iostream and then to continue to write to it. raptor_serialize_start() owns and then closes the iostream that is passed in.

A new Atom Syndication Format 1.0 (RFC 4287) serializer was added (name atom) using the RSS 1.0 RDF triple model with mapping to atom terms and consideration of atom output format conditions.

RSS 1.0 serializer

Turtle serializer now respects the writeBaseURI feature to control generating the @base directive.

Abbreviated serializers (RDF/XML Abbrev and Turtle) now remove duplicate triples.

Added feature RAPTOR_FEATURE_RSS_TRIPLES to add RDF triples to RSS 1.0 or Atom serializer output with values 'rdfxml' or 'atom-triples'. Atom triples writes at:map sections for the atom:entry elements and at:feedmap and at:entrymap sections to the atom:feed elements. at:contentType is used to provide a type attribute value for an atom:content that has a URI value.

Added RAPTOR_FEATURE_ATOM_ENTRY_URI for the Atom serializer to set the URI of an atom entry. If the URI matches the URI of an entry item in the RDF mode of the channel, then an Atom Entry document is generated rather than an Atom Feed document.

QName Class Changes

Added raptor_qname_to_counted_name() to get a formatted qname for a name.

raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name() will accept a NULL namespace to construct a namespace-less qname.

Sequence Class Changes

raptor_sequence_set_at() now handles setting an item at an index in the sequence beyond capacity+1 to automatically extend.

Added raptor_sequence_delete_at() to delete an item at a position in a sequence and return it.

URI Class Changes

raptor_uri_to_relative_counted_uri_string() now has support for a base URI with scheme and authority but no path, so the result can be a relative URI starting with '/'.

XML Writer Class Changes

XML Writer allows adding newlines via raptor_xml_writer_newline() which requires use of raptor_xml_writer_flush() to indicate when XML writer output is finished.

Added raptor_xml_writer_get_depth() to get the current XML writer element stack depth.

Other Changes

Many more resiliance checks were added.

Removed all calls to abort() in code on fatal errors. This requires using setjmp and longjmp inside parsers built with flex and bison.

The Turtle writer may optionally generate @base depending on flags. (This is used by Turtle serializer to handle the writeBaseURI feature)

Tidied error messages for rapper(1) when parsing stdin.

raptor_init() and raptor_finish() use a reference count to ensure initialising and terminating happen at most once each.

Raptor 1.4.17 Changes

The main changes to this release are:

Added two new JSON serializers: resource-centric 'json' (Talis RDF/JSON) and triple-centric 'json-triples'.

Made I/O Stream class raptor_iostream support reading as well as writing with new constructors and new methods.

Added a new public SAX2 API class raptor_sax2 exposing the existing internal API which has been around since the first release of Raptor 8 years ago and runs on top of either expat or libxml2.

Added new public error handlers structure raptor_error_handlers containing a set of (function, data pointers) pairs called raptor_handler_closure for each error log level. Added raptor_log_level enum for the error log level. Added an initialization function for the structure, raptor_error_handlers_init().

Several other API changes, fixes and improvements were made.

Fixed Issues:

I/O Stream class changes

Made I/O Stream class raptor_iostream support reading data in addition to writing. (Dave B):

Added new write I/O Stream method raptor_iostream_write_string_python() to write an encoded string to an I/O stream using python / JSON / Turtle / N-Triples / SPARQL escaping rules. (Dave B)

Serializer Class Changes

Added two new JSON serializers (Dave B):

  1. Resource-centric serializer named json based on Talis RDF/JSON Specification
  2. Triple-centric serializer named json-triples based on the SPARQL results in JSON format.

Added new serializer features for the JSON serializers (DaveB):

Example of using the resource-centric serializer while defining a callback:

$ rapper -q -o json -f jsonCallback=foo http://librdf.org/raptor/raptor.rdf
  "http://librdf.org/raptor/#raptor" : {
    "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#description" : [ {

Statement Class Changes

Added raptor_statement_compare() to provide an ordering between raptor_statement objects. (Dave B)

Parser Class Changes

Added new parser features to control HTTP headers in web requests (Dave B, based on a patch in the bug):
Also never Pragma: header with libcurl ever.
Fixes Issue#0000252

Turtle parser:

QName Class Changes

Added new methods raptor_qname_get_local_name(), raptor_qname_get_value() and raptor_qname_get_counted_value(). (Dave B)

SAX2 Class Changes

Added new public SAX2 API class raptor_sax2 exposind th existing internal one which has been around since the first release of Raptor 8 years ago and runs on top of either expat or libxml2. (Dave B)

Serializer Class Changes

Abbreviated serializers (RDF/XML-Abbrev and Turtle):

Turtle serializer:

URI Class Changes

Update URI resolving for RFC3986 changes (Dave B)

WWW Class Changes

Added new method raptor_www_set_http_cache_control() to set the HTTP Cache-Control: header in requests. (Dave B, based on a patch in the bug)
Fixes Issue#0000252

XML Class Changes

Added new method raptor_xml_element_get_language() to get the language associated with an element. (Dave B)

Portability and Resilience Changes

Pass on error failures in parser and serializer factory construction. (Lauri)

Abbreviated serializers (RDF/XML-abbrev and Turtle): low memory and allocation failure fixes. (Lauri)

Altered API function signatures of raptor_uri_set_handler(), raptor_uri_get_handler(), raptor_new_namespaces(), raptor_namespaces_init() and raptor_new_xml_writer() to add appropriate consts. (Lauri)

Portability fixes for RAPTOR_API and other macros. (Lauri)

Removal of many sets of writable static data in N-Triples parser, URI class, Unicode NFC code, libxml support, Turtle writer and XML writer. (Lauri)

Portability fixes for round() and trunc() that are not always available in libc but might be in libm. (Dave B)

Turtle/N3 parsers and serializers, RDF/XML_Abbrev serializer: many low memory fixes and better out of memory errors. (Lauri)

Other Changes

Rewrote internal error log functions to use new error handlers structures and simplify the calls. (Dave B)

Expanded internal raptor_avltree datatype support to add a cursor, allowing it to be used for creating large ordered sequences that need to be walked. (Dave B)

Updated rdfdiff utility to handle duplicate triples in inputs. (Dave B)

raptor_sequence_shift() and raptor_sequence_unshift() are now as efficient as the sequence push and pop operations: O(1). (Lauri)

autogen.sh was updated.

rapper utility can now accept multiple -f / --feature options; previously only one parser and one serializer feature was possible.

Raptor 1.4.16 Changes

The main changes to this release are:

Provide 100% support for the GRDDL W3C Recommendation of 2007-09-11.

The Turtle parser and serializer were updated to support @base for specifying a base URI, following Turtle of 2007-09-11.

The Turtle and RDF/XML serializers had performance improvements for large graphs.

Added a TRiG Parser based on Turtle with named graph support.

Several other API changes, fixes and improvements were made.

Fixed Issues:

Namespaces Class Changes

raptor_namespaces_init() now returns an integer status.

Parser Class Changes

Added raptor_graph_handler typedef and raptor_set_graph_handler() to return named graph identifiers during parsing, initially for the TRiG parser.

These were added the GRDDL parser:

XML Element Class Changes

Added raptor_new_xml_element_from_namespace_local_name() constructor to make an XML element from a local name relative to a raptor_namespace.

Unicode Class Changes

Defined a new raptor_unichar typedef for a Unicode codepoint defined as unsigned long which was the previous type used. Altered the Unicode function to take it as a parameter. raptor_unicode_char_to_utf8(), raptor_utf8_to_unicode_char(), raptor_unicode_is_xml11_namestartchar(), raptor_unicode_is_xml10_namestartchar(), raptor_unicode_is_xml11_namechar() and raptor_unicode_is_xml10_namechar().

URI Class Changes

Added raptor_uri_compare() and raptor_uri_compare_func function pointer for implementing it in the raptor_uri_handler. The handler now has a version field initialised to trigger the new factory method for uri compare when the version is 2 or more.

WWW Class Changes

Added raptor_www_set_connection_timeout() to set the WWW retrieval connection timeout in seconds.

Added raptor_www_final_uri_handler typedef and raptor_www_set_final_uri_handler() to return the final URI seen during WWW retrieval such as after redirects.

Added raptor_www_get_final_uri() to return the final URI after a WWW retrieval which might include redirects.

Parser Changes

The GRDDL parser/processor was substantially updated and now supports 100% of the Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL) syntax, W3C Recommendation of 2007-09-11:

it also:

RDF/XML parser recognising was updated to just the start of the document for guessing if it should handle content and to try to avoid html URLs.

RSS Tag soup parser recognising was updated to accept with the string 'feed' in the identifier.

TRiG Parser was added based on the Turtle parser, adding named graphs. It returns name graph URis via a callback set with new API call raptor_set_graph_handler()

Turtle parser added @base support, fixed turtle escapes to URIs. Recognising was updated to look for @prefix early in the document.

Serializer Changes

Turtle serialiser changes:

RDF/XML serialiser was changed to emit a legal empty RDF/XML document when no triples are serialised and to skip emitting statements with bad predicate uris rather than returning an error.

RDF/XML Abbrev serialiser was changed to use an AVL tree rather than sequence for significant performance improvement for large serialisations.

rapper Utility Changes

Added an --show-graphs option to print named graph URIs as seen (such as with TRiG).

Added -I / --input-uri and -O / --output-uri options to set the input / parsing and output / serializing base URIs separately. Defaults remain the same - the serializer base URI defaults to the input base URI, however it was set.

Portability Changes

Fixes for when building from Subversion on cygwin (EOL issues, Makefiles).

Remove unused semicolons for prevention of compiler warnings.

Fix some uninitialized variables that some compilers complain about.

Allow RAPTOR_ASSERT_DIE to be externally defined.

Allow RAPTOR_WWW_BUFFER_SIZE to be externally defined.

Other Changes

autogen.sh was updated to handle program versions better using an inline perl helper.

Start to add resiliance to memory allocation failures and errors inside the library.

Added AVL Tree code to make much faster key:value lookups. This is used for RDF/XML parser XML ID checks and in the 'abbrev' serializers - Turtle and RDF/XML-Abbrev for looking up nodes.

Better libxml error messages are now returned, mentioning some of the names and values that caused the error.

Raptor 1.4.15 Changes

General Changes

GRDDL parser now passes the (unapproved) test suite for the GRDDL W3C Working Draft 2 March 2007 except for two tests that have been reported as having errors.

When using libcurl as the WWW retrieval library, errors in resolving a URI such as not found (404) are now reported as proper errors and cause parsing to fail rather than just return no triples.

Some improvments where made to guessing for a parser to match some content. Firstly, any mime type with Q <10 is added to the score, don't lose the influence of the mime type entirely. The consequence of this is that Turtle can pretend to be a partial N3 parser. Secondly, the XHTML mime type is now correctly recognised by the GRDDL parser rather than the RSS Tag Soup parser.

Fixed Issues:

Parser and Serializer Changes

Added better error reporting for XML errors using the libxml structured error reporing api. From

$ rapper -i grddl http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt
rapper: Parsing URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt
rapper: Error - URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt - XML error - http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt:2: 
rapper: Error - URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt - XML error - parser 
rapper: Error - URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt - XML error - error : 
rapper: Error - URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt - XML error - Document is empty
rapper: Error - URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt - XML error -                   Redland RDF Application Framework - License
rapper: Error - URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt - XML error -                   ^
rapper: Failed to parse URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt grddl content
rapper: Parsing returned 0 triples

To this:

$ rapper -i grddl http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt
rapper: Parsing URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt
rapper: Error - URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt:1 - XML parser error: Document is empty
rapper: Error - URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt:1 - XInclude processing failed for GRDDL document
rapper: Failed to parse URI http://librdf.org/LICENSE.txt grddl content
rapper: Parsing returned 0 triples

GRDDL parser updated to support the GRDDL W3C Working Draft 2 March 2007:

Turtle parser was changed to accept the N3 mime type text/rdf+n3 at low Q(quality) so it might work for N3 that is the RDF subset - quite common.

Changed the RSS Tag Soup parser and RSS 1.0 serializer to stop sharing use of the declared namespaces so that when using both at the same time, there is no double-free of the same objects.

Correct the content: namespace URI in the RSS parser and serializers.

Other Changes

rapper gains a -t/--trace option to show URIs traversed. Handy for GRDDL.

raptor_uri_resolve_uri_reference() no longer goes past the end of buffer when the relative URI is ,/

Added an internal API for capturing parsed data as it is seen. Use by GRDDL parser but with no public API.

Added an internal API for structured error reporting. Updates made throughout the library but with no public API.

Internal API raptor_new_sax2() signature changed to just have an error_handlers pointer argument rather than multiple function / user_data pairs.

Raptor 1.4.14 Changes

General Changes

Added a Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language serialiser by Dave Robillard based on the existing RDF/XML-Abbrev serialiser.

Added a GraphViz DOT format serialiser by Evan Nemerson.

The GRDDL parser now does namespace and profile URI recursion and has other improvements and fixes.

Fixed Issues:

Configuration Changes

raptor-config gains a --private-libs for the internal libraries used in building raptor, with the public ones only emitted with --libs.

raptor.pc now uses Libs.private for internal dynamically linked libraries.

The libxml minimum version is now 2.6.8 since 2.6.7 crashes on PPC64 Linux. 2.6.8 was released March 2004 so this should be no burden.

Do not use PATH_MAX so raptor can build on Hurd.

Parser Changes

RDF/XML parser now looks for the RDF/XML root element and namespace declaration in the initial bytes of content when guessing. This allows content that is in other mime types such as application/xml to be more likely guessed as RDF/XML.

When guessing a parser to use, if an an exact match is found for the mime type (q=10), then that parser is used.

The GRDDL parser has several changes:

Serializer Changes

Added a new Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language serializer and two new internal APIs based on the existing RDF/XML-Abbrev serialiser, written by Dave Robillard:

Added a new GraphViz DOT format serialiser writen by Evan Nemerson.

Note that testing the turtle serializing (make test) requires the rdfdiff -u and a few of the tests take some time to run.

Other Changes

Added raptor_home_url_string and raptor_license_string exported strings.

Added raptor_parser_generate_id() as a public function to generate an identifier for a parser.

rdfdiff gains the -u/--base-uri option to specify the from file base URI so that if the from file is a local file or relative URI, it can be given an absolute base.

Failures to retrieve content from a URI using the raptor_www class implementations now return a failure as well as setting the HTTP status code to 403 or 404 as appropriate. Previously success may have been returned with no bytes.

Raptor 1.4.13 Changes

General Changes

Prevent losing memory for a raptor_xml_writer when a serializer is reused several times.

Fixed issues reported on the Redland Issue Tracker:

Configuration Changes

In maintainer mode, add all the supported compiler -W warning flags to the CFLAGS.

Allow LEX to be set to things that aren't exactly 'flex'.

Documentation Changes

Added single triple serializing example to the tutorial to demonstrate serializing without parsing and building a raptor_statement.

Other Changes

Declare several raptor functions with GCC printf-formatting attributes when using a new enough GCC.

RDF/XML parser now creates literals with raptor_stringbuffer so that it does a lot less copying when constructing longer literals.

Added single raptor_statement serializing example to demonstrate serializing alone without parsing.

Raptor 1.4.12 Changes

Restored the order of serialized syntaxes back to the same as in Raptor 1.4.10 which Redland was relying on - asking to serialize to mime type 'application/rdf+xml' without specifying a parser name in Redland with Raptor 1.4.11 wrote it in XMP instead of RDF/XML as it used to. This happened more often with language bindings. That problem will be fixed in a future release of Redland but for now, this stops wierd things like that happening.

Raptor 1.4.11 Changes

General Changes

Added raptor_get_feature_count() to return the count of features, in preference to using the macro value RAPTOR_FEATURE_LAST.

Added raptor_www_set_uri_filter() method of the WWW class (raptor_www) objects to have an optional URI filter function that checks if the URL given is allowed to be retrieved, or denied entirely.

Fixed issues reported on the Redland Issue Tracker:

Documentation Changes

The Raptor Reference Manual now includes descriptions of all the parsers and serializers and the tutorial has a new section describing how to filter URIs and deny network requests.

Parser Changes

Added functionality to prevent network requests either via setting a new feature RAPTOR_FEATURE_NO_NET that denies network requests during a parser operation or with a URI filter function raptor_parser_set_uri_filter(). This function uses raptor_www_set_uri_filter() internally.

Added raptor_get_need_base_uri() to tell if a parser requires a base URI argument. Presently the N-Triples parser is the only parser that does not require a base URI. raptor_start_parse() will now throw an error if no base URI is given and it is needed.

The GRDDL parser was changed to handle a list of URIs in the profile so it now can support dataview:transformation in XML taking a list of transformations as defined in The GRDDL profile for XHTML part of the GRDDL specification. It now also recognises Embedded RDF and HCalendar using well known XPaths and transforms them to RDF triples using well known XSLT sheet URIs.

The Guess parser now resets after each parse and does a fresh guess on the syntax based on the incoming information. Fixes Issue#0000091

The Turtle parser (and experimental N3 parser) were changed to now require base URIs as they always should have. The error messages when reporting problems with grammar tokens now return better responses. Added better memory cleanup during parser error recovery.

Serializer Changes

The RSS 1.0 Serializer now works again.

Updated the RDF/XML Abbreviated serializer to do proper reference counting on the blank/resource nodes used as subjects and objects to prevent dual-triple generation. Fixes the reported Issue#0000014

Other Changes

The internal SAX2 API can also prevent network fetches with the feature RAPTOR_FEATURE_NO_NET.

Fixed a SAX2 problem that caused parsers that use it to leak memory for 1 URI, affected RDF/XML and RSS Tag Soup.

rapper help and verbose message formats were tidied.

Raptor 1.4.10 Changes

General Changes

No parser will now generate a triple with an identifier type RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_ORDINAL. Only identifier type resource, anonymous (blank node) and literal will be generated. All serializers will convert any RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_ORDINAL type on input to type resource.

Configuration Changes

No longer adds LDFLAGS to pkgconfig file raptor.pc and raptor-config fixing Issue#0000097.

Parser Changes

All parsers no longer generate a triple with an identifier type RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_ORDINAL, as deprecated in 1.4.8. The replacement type generated is RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE.

The RSS Tag Soup (rss-tag-soup) parser now makes the triples appear before parser destruction. This caused odd symptoms like parsing in python returning no triples and the parser then crashing during object destruction.

The RDF/XML (rdfxml) parser no longer crashes if a comment is seen outside an element, such as before or after the root element.

Serializer Changes

The RDF/XML (rdfxml) serializer no longer crashes if the serializer is used more than once.

Raptor 1.4.9 Changes

Configuration and Build Changes

Now using Subversion for version control and the Raptor installation instructions explain how to get Raptor from Subversion.

configure now allows --enable-parsers=node and --enable-serializers=none. Using both is possible!

No longer require libxml2 for the RSS Tag Soup parser

Various Win32 fixes and VC build files updates from John Barstow.

Documentation Changes

A new Raptor Tutorial was written covering using all parsing and serializing functions along with example code.

The Raptor Reference Manual now covers 100% of all functions, structs and defines with gtkdoc generated documentation.

rapper utility Changes

rapper now uses namespaces found in parsing to give hints to the serializer as to how to format the output. The result of this is that rapper can be used as an RDF pretty-printer and is especially good at such things as turning flat N-Triples to RDF/XML or RDF/XML-Abbrev. such as:

rapper -q -i ntriples -o rdfxml-abbrev example.nt

Parser Changes

All parsers no longer generate RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PREDICATE as the statement predicate type, as deprecated in 1.4.8. The replacement type generated is RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE.

The Turtle parser now has true and false boolean literals, which were accidently omiited from the parser in the 1.4.8 update.

Parsers can register capabilities for handling multiple mime types with Q values. These are then used in WWW requests for content in the Accept: header for HTTP. Added raptor_parser_factory_add_mime_type for registering, raptor_parser_get_accept_header to get the accept header values for the types supported by one parser.

From the previous change, the RSS parser now accepts several unregistered RSS mime types as well as the registered Atom one; the RDF/XML parser accepts unregistered mime type text/rdf seen occasionally; the Turtle parser accepts several experimental mime types. All unregistered or experimental types are accepted with lower Q than any registered type.

The RSS Tag Soup parser for RSS* and Atom no longer requires libxml2 (for it's XML Reader API). Internal changes mean that it will fully work on top of expat.

Serializer Changes

The RSS/Atom serializer now uses input namespace declarations to choose namespaces on output.

Added raptor_serialize_set_namespace_from_namespace to set a namespace for serializing from an existing raptor_namespace.

Serializing to RDF/XML (or RDF/XML Abbrev) now does not double-free URI strings. Fixes Issue#0000065

RSS serializer no longer writes the XML header twice.

IOStream Class Changes

Added raptor_iostream_write_uri to directly write a URI to an iostream without the need to go via a string.

Fixed bug in raptor_iostream_write_xml_any_escaped_string failing to write ';' after escaping U+0009 and U+000A

Namespaces Class Changes

Added raptor_namespaces_qname_from_uri to do URI splitting into qname prefering to use the current in-scope namespaces before having to search.

raptor_namespaces_format now NULL-terminates the namespace string. Fixes Issue#0000062

Added raptor_namespace_get_counted_prefix to return a namespace prefix and it's length.

QName Class Changes

Added raptor_qname_get_namespace to get the namespace associated with a QName.

StringBuffer Class Changes

raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string and raptor_stringbuffer_append_string now Do nothing on appending a NULL string or a string of length 0. Fixes Issue#0000073

Unicode Class Changes

raptor_utf8_to_unicode_char now also checks for overlong UTF-8 sequences, illegal code positions or out of range codes.

URI Class Changes

Deprecated raptor_uri_is_file_uri which takes a URI string argument for new function raptor_uri_string_is_file_uri which more clearly says that.

Changed all URI string calloc/mallocs to add enough room for a full pointer at the string end to stop valgrind moaning on 64bit systems when looking for the end of string NUL.

raptor_uri_set_handler and raptor_new_iostream_from_handler now take const handler arguments.

WWW Class Changes

Get the curl success status into a long, not an int which causes failure on 64 bit. Fixes Issue#0000075

WWW requests for content to parse now always send an appropriate Accept: header with Q values for the parser, or for the guess parser, all supported mime types.

Internal Changes

Added XML element methods raptor_xml_element_get_attributes and raptor_xml_element_get_attributes_count, raptor_xml_element_is_empty to the SAX2 API.

Many internal changes were made to the SAX2 API to finally separate XML and RDF/XML parts. The SAX2 API is now fully usable on either libxml2 or expat. That last sentence implies a lot of work, by the way.

Raptor 1.4.8 Changes

General Changes

A large source re-arrangement was performed. All C sources and headers that build the library are now in the src dir, general documentation in the doc dir and utilities in the utils dir. This both tidied up the mixture of files at the top level and also enabled better use with gtk-doc.

Future API change: From the next release of Raptor, raptor_statement predicates will return identifiers of type RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE instead of RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PREDICATE. Identifiers of type RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_ORDINAL may no longer be returned in any statement position (to be confirmed).

Version Control change: Raptor will be switching to use Subversion for version control after the 1.4.8 release. Please check the Redland Subversion site for the latest status or the online Raptor installation notes for the raptor specific subversion installation information.

Configuration Changes

The autogen.sh script for building from CVS was revamped to be more modular.

configure now takes an --enable-gtk-doc option to enable building of the documentation using the gtk-doc utility. It is by default enabled only if the utility is available.

Added a new configure option --enable-serializers (in 1.4.7) to allow the selection of the required RDF serializers from any of those supported.

raptor-config now has a --options argument to list the configured or discovered options of the library such as parsers, serializers and other choices.

Documentation Changes

The GNOME gtk-doc program is now used to automatically extract documentation from source comments into reference documentation. This is then merged with templates and additional documentation to provide a reference manual for raptor as XML document which is turned into HTML along with GNOME devhelp support.

This new documentation intended to replace the libraptor manual page/web page as easier to read document with scope for better expanding with more detail of raptor including examples and tutorial information. The manual page will continue to contain the summary information for the present.

Portability Changes

Fixed a long-standing URI resolution bug on win32 - only remove leading / if there is one present (patch from John C. Barstow)

rapper utility Changes

Altered the -g argument to invoke the guessing parser rather than guess on file/URI name alone. This is now equivalent to choosing an input syntax of guess with -i guess.

Added a --show-namespaces long option (no short version) to show namespaces that are declared in the parsed content.

Parser Changes

A new guessing parser was added, picking the actual parser to use at run-time based on protocol or other information.

Allow a content type returned by a protocol (such as HTTP) to enable choosing of parser at run-time. Added a new optional parser factory method content_type_handler to return this.

Allow parsers to handle several syntaxes rather than only 1 or 2.

Parsers can now return namespace prefix/URI declarations as they are given in the content by the means of a new handler type raptor_namespace_handler and parser method raptor_set_namespace_handler. Duplicate namespace prefix/URIs can be returned.

GRDDL Parser Changes

Bug fix when the entire content is in one chunk (René Puls).

Guessing Parser Changes

A new parser that guesses the actual parser to use at run-time based on a combination of MIME Content-Type, file or URI name and in future, iniital bytes of the content. If the Content-Type is an exact match to a known parser, it is always chosen before trying heuristics.

RDF/XML Parser Changes

When emitting literals, handle a datatyped empty literal. This is a post-REC errata for the revised RDF/XML recommendation. See archived example for further information.

RSS Tag Soup Parser Changes

Added atom 1.0 support including use of the new namespace. Atom 0.3 namespace terms are turned into new properties. Replace atom copies of Dublin Core or RSS properties with the original terms:

Atom 1.0 term Original term
atom:content rss:description
atom:id rss:link
atom:published dc:date
atom:rights dc:rights
atom:title rss:title

Apply the in-scope base URI (such as from xml:base) to atom 1.0 fields that take URI values: atom:id, atom:icon and atom:logo.

Added optional date parsing code to turn XML RSS date fields into ISO format ones, suitable for Atom and XML schema datatypes format. Will use library parsedate code from curl or INN if available.

XML RSS field pubDate is now turned into Dublin Core dc:date field in the ISO format.

XML RSS field content is turned into content:encoded in RDF triples on output with escaping.

Turtle Parser Changes

Updated to support Turtle version 2006-01-02 (announcement).

Switch qname, blank node and prefix definitions to SPARQL ones.

Check for illegal not-hexadecimal \u and \U escape values.

Fix greedy matching of long literals ("""....""") that ended on the last """ found rather than the first.

Added double and decimal constants.

Added optional +- sign to all numeric constants.

Allow \" escape inside long strings.

Take care to reset the generated raptor_statement language and datatype fields when not used.

Serializer Changes

Added a new Atom 1.0 serializer (name atom) by parameterising the RSS 1.0 serializer.

Added a new Adobe XMP compatible serializer (name rdfxml-xmp) by parameterising the RDF/XML Abbreviated serializer. Patch provided by Sid Steward.

All serializers can be chosen at configure time from those available using configure option --enable-serializers.

The RSS parser and serializer can now be independently enabled or disabled. The RSS serializer no longer requires an XML parser.

RDF/XML Serializer / XML Writer Changes

A new XML Writer feature RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_XML_VERSION was added to allow chosing XML 1.0 (value 10) or XML 1.1 output (value 11). This feature is also accepted by serializers as an option and used by the RDF/XML and RDF/XML-Abbrev serializers.

A new XML Writer feature RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_XML_DECLARATION was added to allow omitting the XML declaration (default true).

Added functions raptor_xml_any_escape_string() and raptor_iostream_write_xml_any_escaped_string() which take an XML version. The XML 1.0 functions give errors when attempting to write #x1-#x1f (excluding #x9, #xA, #xD) or #x7F.

Atom 1.0 Serializer Changes

Added a new serializer using the Atom 1.0 format and namespace. This reads RDF triples in the RSS 1.0 model, along with any additional atom 1.0 properties and serializes an Atom 1.0 feed file.

Adobe XMP Serializer Changes

Added a new serializer writing RDF/XML in the profile used by Adobe XMP. Note that this does require RDF triples to be used in a certain style; for example all triple subjects are the "current documment" giving rdf:about="".

URI Class Changes

Fix a bug when adding a default path of / to a URI in functions raptor_new_uri_for_xmlbase() and raptor_new_uri_for_retrieval(). (Bug #0000045)

raptor_uri_equals was altered to accept NULL pointers, which do not compare equal to a non-NULL URI. NULL does equal NULL.

Internal Changes

The internal SAX2 class was extensively changed so that remaining interdependencies with the RDF/XML parser were removed and it can now be re-used for other syntaxes cleanly. Several functions were modified or added.

Removed old and hardly-tested internal support for XML entity resolution (libxml only).

Various fixes for GCC 4 warnings.

Raptor 1.4.7 Changes

Fix a couple of crashes in the RSS tag soup parser / serializer (Dave Beckett, Suzan Foster).

configure now looks for the libxslt/xslt.h header as well as the libxslt library and disables XSLT and GRDDL support it if is missing. This catches systems with the libraries without headers as has happened on some OSX versions.

In serializers rdfxml and rdfxml-abbrev, report failure to serialize to RDF/XML if the predicate URI is not absolute.

Raptor 1.4.6 Changes

Added --with-xslt-config configure option

Added a new parser for Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL) which allows reading XHTML and XML as RDF triples by using profiles in the document that declare XSLT transforms from the XHTML/XML content into RDF/XML which is the RDF content. It does not support all the GRDDL styles, for example dataview:namespaceTransformation, or perform recursive transformations.

The turtle parser now accepts """long literals"""

XML writer feature support were added in 1.4.5 and not documented. The new functions are: raptor_xml_writer_features_enumerate, raptor_xml_writer_set_feature, raptor_xml_writer_set_feature_string, raptor_xml_writer_get_feature and raptor_xml_writer_get_feature_string. The three XML writer features added are \fBRAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT\fR with boolean value (default true) to auto-indent the XML, \fBRAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY\fR with boolean value (default true) to automatically generate empty elements if a start/end element sequence has no content and \fBRAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_INDENT_WIDTH\fR with an integer value (default 2) to set the indenting level for the XML.

New build configuration and portability fixes for win32 (John Barstow)

Portability fixes for win32 - added SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_SHORT (Dave Viner, others)

Added a signing memory debugging system to aid checking when raptor-allocated memory is freed in another library or vice-versa enabled by --with-memory-signing configure option (defaults to on in maintainer mode).

Fixed a few internal malloc/frees to use RAPTOR_MALLOC / RAPTOR_FREE so that the above signed memory system worked.

RDF/XML serializer: Use the maximal name when splitting a predicate.
Turn datatyped literals that are rdf:XMLLiteral into inline XML with rdf:parseType="Literal" rather than XML-escaped.

RDF/XML abbreviated serializer: Fix a crash when there is a NULL base URI. Use the maximal name when splitting a predicate.
Turn datatyped literals that are rdf:XMLLiteral into inline XML with rdf:parseType="Literal" rather than XML-escaped.

RSS tag soup parser: Fix crash with unexpected use of alternate attribute.
Update from Suzan Foster to reflect the latest status of the enclosure vocabulary and allow multiple common items and fields.

RSS 1.0 serializer: Added RSS enclosures serializing.

grapper example GTK program now stores the window width and height using gconf2.

Raptor 1.4.5 Changes

Added a new RDF/XML with abbreviations serializer rdfxml-abbrev written by Steve Shepard which handles several of the abbreviations specified by the RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised) W3C Recommendation. It is suitable for writing small documents as there are known scaling issues.

The RSS tag soup parser was updated to work better when there is no base URI given. It also now supports reading the RSS 1.1 format and turning it into RSS 1.0 model triples.

Deprecated raptor_ntriples_string_as_utf8_string as rather too internal to be useful, since it only works with a parser.

More fixes to work around the broken libxml2 on Apple OSX 10.3.x with inconsistent shared libraries / headers.

Experimental and incomplete Notation 3 parser - updated to match changes to Turtle. CVS changes only, not enabled in standard builds.

Raptor 1.4.4 Changes

Make the RSS tag soup parser handle RSS 0.9 namespace elements by turning them into RSS 1.0.

Fix a couple of crashes in the RSS 1.0 serialiser when no base URI is used.

Make raptor_uri_to_relative_counted_uri_string work when the base or reference URI have no paths such as like http://example.org

Added portability fixes for Win32 to get Raptor 1.4.3 building with MS Visual Studio using expat and libcurl. The RAPTOR_INTERNAL define was moved to the build configuration and defines added for integral type sizes. Patch from Dave Viner (dviner at apache dot org).

Raptor 1.4.3 Changes

A release with the major new feature of an XML writer API. This is now used along with a new supporting XML element class to improve the existing RDF/XML serializer and to provide a new RSS 1.0 serializer.

This API it is also used by the next release of Rasqal to provide serializing of query results to XML.

The new raptor_xml_writer class functions added are: raptor_new_xml_writer (constructor), raptor_free_xml_writer (destructor), raptor_xml_writer_empty_element, raptor_xml_writer_start_element, raptor_xml_writer_end_element, raptor_xml_writer_cdata, raptor_xml_writer_cdata_counted, raptor_xml_writer_raw, raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted, raptor_xml_writer_comment and raptor_xml_writer_comment_counted.

The new raptor_xml_element class functions added are: raptor_new_xml_element (constructor), raptor_free_xml_element (destructor), raptor_xml_element_get_name, raptor_xml_element_set_attributes, raptor_xml_element_declare_namespace and raptor_iostream_write_xml_element.

Parser Changes

RSS tag soup parser now works with older libxml2s (2.5.10+), including the one shipped with some Apple OSX versions that has an inconsistent header file and library.

RSS tag soup parser recognises/scores more common XML RSS file names.

RSS tag soup parser turns XML RSS <guid isPermaLink="true">val</guid> into RDF/XML form <guid rdf:resource="val"/>, leaving the non isPermaLink form to be a literal value.

A bug was found in libxml2 that causes double expanding of XML entities in RDF/XML. This has been reported but cannot be worked around from raptor. The expat XML parser can be used as an alternative, as it does not have this problem. A test was added for this bug but it will not cause the test suite ('make check') to fail.

Added additional Turtle parser tests that cover Notation 3 syntax that is not part of the Turtle language.

Added raptor_parser_set_feature_string and raptor_parser_get_feature_string methods to set/get string feature values.

Serializer Changes

Added feature relative_uris for serializers. This is used by the RDF/XML serializer and enabled by default.

Added feature start_uri for serializers with a string value to set the start URI for serializing. Not used at present.

Added new methods raptor_serializer_features_enumerate to list serializer features and functions to set/get serializer feature integer or strings values: raptor_serializer_set_feature, raptor_serializer_get_feature, raptor_serializer_set_feature_string and raptor_serializer_get_feature_string.

Added raptor_serialize_set_namespace to allow user declaration of prefix/URI namespaces pairs as serializing hints.

the RDF/XML serializer was improved using the new XML Writer class so it now uses any user-declared namespace hints in it's output and emits relative URIs whenever possible. The latter was provided by a patch from René Puls.

A new RSS 1.0 serializer was added, using the new XML Writer class and using the same structures, classes and properties as the RSS tag soup parser.

URI class changes

Added relative URI generating code from a patch written by René Puls and provide this with two new methods raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string and raptor_uri_to_relative_counted_uri_string.

Added raptor_uri_print to print a URI to a file handle.

Added methods raptor_uri_to_string and raptor_uri_to_counted_string to return a URI as newly allocated strings.

I/O Stream Changes

Many classes gained methods to write to iostreams, supporting the new XML Writer class functionality. The added methods are: raptor_iostream_write_namespace, raptor_iostream_write_ntriples_string, raptor_iostream_write_qname, raptor_iostream_write_statement_ntriples, raptor_iostream_write_stringbuffer, raptor_iostream_write_xml_element and raptor_iostream_write_xml_escaped_string.

Namespace Class Changes

Added raptor_namespace_copy copy constructor and raptor_new_namespace_from_uri constructor to build a namespace from a raptor_uri object.

Added utility function raptor_new_namespace_parts_from_string to decode syntax of the form xmlns:prefix="uri" into prefix and uri string pairs.

Added raptor_namespaces_find_namespace_by_uri method for namespace stack to find a declared namespace by URI. This complements raptor_namespaces_find_namespace which already provides searching by prefix.

Unicode and UTF-8 Changes

Added several methods for checking characters forming parts of XML 1.0 or XML 1.1 names: raptor_unicode_is_xml10_namestartchar, raptor_unicode_is_xml11_namestartchar, raptor_unicode_is_xml10_namechar and raptor_unicode_is_xml11_namechar.

Added a function raptor_utf8_check to check that a string is legal UTF-8 and all the encoded Unicode characters are in the range U+0 <= character <= U+10FFFF

Added a function raptor_xml_name_check to check that a string is a legal XML name (1.0 or 1.1) as well as legal UTF-8.

Other Changes

Feature support: Added raptor_feature_value_type to determine value of a feature - either integer (most) or string.

XML QName class: Added raptor_qname_copy copy constructor.

Sequence class: Added raptor_sequence_join to join two sequences of items, leaving one empty.

Statement class: Added raptor_statement_copy copy constructor and raptor_free_statement destructor. Previously these were internal to raptor.

The rapper utility was modified to add a feature form: -f xmlns:PREFIX="URI" allowing the setting of output serializer namespaces.

The namespace URI string constants exported by raptor are now of type unsigned char*.

Raptor 1.4.2 Changes

Make raptor_xml_escape_string fail correctly when given bad UTF-8 to escape.

Raptor 1.4.1 Changes

Fixed a buffer overrun in decoding a URI scheme in raptor_uri constructors such as raptor_new_uri.

Fixed a crash in RSS enclosures crash when the url attribute seen on a non-<enclosure> element

raptor_xml_escape_string return value has changed to be an int, returning <0 on failure. This allows the empty string encoding an empty string case to work and be distinguished from an error.

Raptor 1.4.0 Changes

A release with the major new feature of providing serializing of RDF triples to syntaxes. It also added a new support class for I/O streams and had other minor fixes.

Added a Raptor Serializer class (raptor_serializer) with similar style to Parser (raptor_parser). Two serializers are provided, for RDF/XML and N-Triples. The serializing can be done to files, C FILE* or to strings. The raptor_iostream class that provides this also allows writing to any other form by creating a custom iostream.

The new raptor_serializer class functions added are: raptor_serializers_enumerate, raptor_serializer_syntax_name_check, raptor_new_serializer, raptor_free_serializer, raptor_serialize_start, raptor_serialize_start_to_filename, raptor_serialize_start_to_string, raptor_serialize_start_to_file_handle, raptor_serialize_statement, raptor_serialize_end, raptor_serializer_get_iostream, raptor_serializer_set_error_handler, raptor_serializer_set_warning_handler and raptor_serializer_get_locator

Added a Raptor I/O stream abstraction in raptor_iostream class to support serializing of RDF to multiple output streams such as to filenames, to C standard I/O FILE* handles and to strings especially for cross-language use. A raptor_iostream_handler can be used to construct a user-defined iostream.

The new raptor_iostream class functions added are: raptor_new_iostream_from_handler, raptor_new_iostream_to_sink, raptor_new_iostream_to_filename, raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle, raptor_new_iostream_to_string, raptor_free_iostream, raptor_iostream_write_bytes, raptor_iostream_write_byte, raptor_iostream_write_end, raptor_iostream_write_string, raptor_iostream_write_counted_string, raptor_iostream_get_bytes_written_count, raptor_iostream_write_decimal and raptor_iostream_format_hexadecimal.

The rapper utility was modified to use serializer class so that the output formats supported are now N-Triples (-o ntriples) - the default, and RDF/XML (-o rdfxml).

Raptor now exports more static namespace URI strings for general application use: raptor_xml_namespace_uri, raptor_rdf_namespace_uri, raptor_rdf_schema_namespace_uri, raptor_xmlschema_datatypes_namespace_uri, raptor_owl_namespace_uri, and the length raptor_rdf_namespace_uri_len.

The raptor_stringbuffer class gained a new method raptor_stringbuffer_copy_to_string which allows efficient copy-out of a constructed string.

The raptor_www class gained a new method raptor_www_fetch_to_string to allow retrieving of web content as a single string.

RSS tag soup parser gained support for generating triples for enclosures, after a patch from Suzan Foster. Changes made include correcting the enclosures namespace and tidying some memory leaks.

Raptor 1.3.3 Changes

A release with major improvements along with several minor fixes.

Raptor's License was changed from LGPL 2.1/MPL 1.1 to LGPL 2.1/Apache 2

Thanks to Chris Pointon for several patches to make Raptor easier to build under Win32 which were applied, with some slight modifications.

Increased WWW content retrieval buffer size from 256 bytes to 4K since this was causing problems for even moderate size documents.

After testing raptor on a very large RDF/XML file with many rdf:ID values, the check for duplicate values was found to be inefficient in memory and slow. The implementation was improved to be more memory efficient and a new parser feature check_rdf_id was added to disable checking (default is enabled).

Added a new Unicode NFC checker to replace the functionality formally available by calling the GNOME glib function g_utf8_normalize. This new checker is done via several tables and adds approximately 50K to the object size of the library when compiled on x86. This code and tables can be disabled with configure option --disable-nfc-check causing all checks to succeed.

Fix the exporting of raptor_xml_literal_datatype_uri_string and raptor_xml_literal_datatype_uri_string_len as constants for use by applications. Previously raptor.h wasn't doing this correctly.

Added raptor_calloc_memory for allocating zeroed memory inside raptor, for use by applications passing memory in/out of raptor.

Added a new configure option --enable-parsers to allow the selection of the required RDF parsers from any of those supported (RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples, RSS tag soup).

Reorganised the sources to split parsing support from RDF/XML to support compiling without this parser.

Updated the RSS Tag Soup parser to start to handle the Atom 0.3 currently being standardised by the IETF Atom Publishing Format and Protocol working group.

Altered the Turtle parser to work with large source documents that exceeded bison limits. Thanks to Geoff Chappell for providing a fix for this.

Rewrote the URI parsing to create an internal structure and improved the relative URI resolving in preparation for future work such as potentially supporting URI canonicalisation such as proposed to be used by Atom.

Raptor 1.3.2 Changes

A release with some minor fixes.

Added a new configure option --with-expat-source=DIR to allow the use of external expat source trees in either the old or newer directory structure style. (Patch from Mark Smith).

Added raptor_alloc_memory for handlers that need to allocate memory in the same heap as raptor uses for raptor_free_memory. This is mostly useful for allocating memory that is freed by raptor in error, ID and statement handlers on win32 which has separate heaps for different DLLs.

A bug was fixed where errors which happened when fetching WWW content were always printed to stderr. They are now passed to the main error routines which allows applications to retrieve them.

Accessor functions were added for parts of the public raptor_locator structure which makes it possible to get structured error information from language bindings via Redland (Patch from Edd Dumbill). The new functions are:

The Unicode Normal Form C (NFC) checking via the GNOME glib library function g_utf8_normalize is broken, comparing the data it says is failed against other NFC checkers. It is also slower than need be since it is doing full normalizing rather than just checking for NFC, and adds a rather large dependency for just one function. A new portable checker will be added in a later release.

Raptor 1.3.1 Changes

A release primarily to fix some win32 and portability issues.

raptor.h now includes stdarg.h

Corrected the raptor_print_statement declaration in raptor.h for the argument statement to have one less 'const' which matches the actual code.

Made several portability fixes for compiling natively on win32 which doesn't quite do POSIX or C99.

Changed the support for file: URIs and converting to and from filenames. It now %-escapes spaces and % characters on conversion to and from filenames with raptor_uri_uri_string_to_filename, raptor_uri_uri_string_to_filename_fragment and raptor_uri_filename_to_uri_string. For Win32, more tests were added and the format of URIs supported corrected to use the file:///c: form rather than file://c|/

URIs that resolve to directories now return an error when lstat is available to check.

Parser Changes

The Turtle parser was updated to only allow language with non-datatyped literals, allow a '_' immediately after a ':' in qnames and to make a bare ':' qname work correctly.

The Turtle parser was fixed to re-initialise correctly when performing multiple parsings. The other parsers already did this correctly.

Added a warning to the RDF/XML parser for unknown rdf:parseType values, when parsing in lax mode - which is the default. It now tells the user when the parsing is working as 'Literal' mode by finding an unknown value. This is controlled by a new parser feature warn_other_parsetypes which is default set true in lax mode. Parser modes are controlled by the raptor_set_parser_strict method.

Raptor 1.3.0 Changes

A release primarily to provide support for the new Rasqal RDF query library but with some new features and fixes.

Parser Changes

Added a new constructor raptor_new_parser_for_content to guess the parser to use from hints in URIs or content, using a new utility function raptor_guess_parser_name.

Additional checks were added to the RDF/XML parser for RDF-namespaced names in element and attributes and if they are forbidden giving an error otherwise if unknown, giving a warning.

The Turtle parser was updated to correct the collections syntax, allow '-' in names and QNames and to add integer literals. This parser now correctly uses raptor_generate_id when a blank identifier name is needed.

Completed parser feature support by adding raptor_get_feature, raptor_feature_from_uri, and raptor_features_enumerate to get values and enable discovery of supported features at run time. raptor_set_feature was changed to give return a success value

Added a new method raptor_get_mime_type to get the MIME type of the syntax for a parser

raptor_parse_uri_with_connection (which is called by raptor_parse_uri) now sets the HTTP Accept: header to the MIME type of the parser in WWW requests using the new raptor_www_set_http_accept().

rapper changes

Added options -f/--feature for setting features and -g/--guess for guessing syntax from some content or identifiers. See rapper(1) for all rapper options.

Utility function changes

Added raptor_syntax_name_check to check for valid syntax language names.

Added raptor_free_memory to free memory returned by raptor functions.

Added Unicode utility functions raptor_unicode_char_to_utf8 and raptor_utf8_to_unicode_char.

Exported URI string raptor_xml_literal_datatype_uri_string.

Deprecated raptor_print_statement_detailed always intended to be internal.

WWW Class changes

Added support to set the HTTP Accept: header for curl and libxml2 when retrieving HTTP content by the new raptor_www_set_http_accept method.

New classes - Sequence and Stringbuffer

Added a utility class raptor_sequence providing simple sequences that can handle stacks and queues

Added a utility class raptor_stringbuffer for constructing strings from substrings appended or prepended.

Raptor 0.9.0 - Raptor 1.2.0 Changes

Release notes for 1.2.0 and earlier are in the NEWS page or ChangeLog

Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Dave Beckett
Copyright (C) 2003-2005 University of Bristol