rsyslog packages

Thanks to some volunteers, rsyslog is also available in package form on some distributions. All currently known packages are listed below. If I have forgotten one or if you would like to maintain a package for a new distribution, please mail me at Any help is *deeply* appreciated. While I create the core daemon, the package maintainers are really filling it with life, making it available to the average user. I am very grateful for that!

This list has last been updated on 2008-07-11 by Rainer Gerhards. New packages may appear at any time, so be sure to check this page whenever you need a new one.

Just in case you are interested, the list of distribution is sorted by alphabetic order of the distribution name.

If you do not find a suitable package for your distribution, there is no reason to panic. It is quite simple to install rsyslog from the source tarball, so you should consider that.