Function coverage ================= The following table lists SAS Management Protocol (SMP) functions in alphabetical order in the left column. The second column is the standard or draft that the function first appeared in or was extended. The final column is the utility in the smp_utils package that invokes that function on a given SMP target. Notice that many of the newly introduced functions have no corresponding utility. SMP Function Standard smp_utils utility ------------------------------------ --------------- --------------------- CONFIGURE GENERAL 2 smp_conf_general CONFIGURE PHY EVENT 2 CONFIGURE ROUTE INFORMATION 1, 2 smp_conf_route_info CONFIGURE ZONE MANAGER PASSWORD 2 CONFIGURE ZONE PERMISSION TABLE 2 CONFIGURE ZONE PHY INFORMATION 2 DISCOVER 1, 1.1, 2 smp_discover DISCOVER LIST 2 smp_discover_list ENABLE DISABLE ZONING 2 PHY CONTROL 1, 2 smp_phy_control PHY TEST FUNCTION 1.1, 2 smp_phy_test READ GPIO REGISTER SFF-8485* smp_read_gpio READ GPIO REGISTER ENHANCED SFF-8485* REPORT BROADCAST 2 REPORT EXPANDER ROUTE TABLE LIST 2 smp_rep_exp_route_tbl REPORT GENERAL 1, 1.1, 2 smp_rep_general REPORT MANUFACTURER INFORMATION 1, 1.1, 2 smp_rep_manufacturer /* REPORT PHY BROADCAST COUNTS 2 removed in sas2r13 */ REPORT PHY ERROR LOG 1, 2 smp_rep_phy_err_log REPORT PHY EVENT 2 REPORT PHY EVENT LIST 2 REPORT PHY SATA 1, 2 smp_rep_phy_sata REPORT ROUTE INFORMATION 1, 2 smp_rep_route_info REPORT SELF-CONFIGURATION STATUS 2 REPORT ZONE MANAGER PASSWORD 2 REPORT ZONE PERMISSION TABLE 2 WRITE GPIO REGISTER SFF-8485* smp_write_gpio WRITE GPIO REGISTER ENHANCED SFF-8485* ZONE ACTIVATE 2 ZONE LOCK 2 ZONE UNLOCK 2 ZONED BROADCAST 2 * in sas2r15 the non-ENHANCED versions are marked as obsolete but the ENHANCED version are not yet defined in the most recent SFF-8485 (rev 0.7). There are 27 SMP functions defined in sas2r15.pdf (plus 2 recently added replacing 2 obsoleted in SFF-8485). smp_utils currently implements 14 functions. The sas-r05.pdf draft is taken to represent the original SAS standard (ANSI INCITS 376-2003). The sas1r10.pdf draft is taken to represent the SAS-1.1 standard (ANSI INCITS 417-2006). The most recent draft of SAS-2 is sas2r15.pdf and is being submitted for approval. At this time all SMP functions introduced in the original standard and SAS-1.1 have corresponding smp_utils utilities. Currently smp_discover_list and smp_rep_exp_route_tbl are the only utilities corresponding to a newly introduced function in SAS-2. Doug Gilbert 26th December 2008