Mark McLoughlin Calum Benson Federico Mena Quintero Sebastien Estienne Shaya Potter Steven Zhang Srirama Sharma Jonh Wendell This is just another re-incarnation of many other similar projects: + libvncserver by Johannes E. Schindelin which in turn is based on: - OSXvnc by Dan McGuirk - The original Xvnc by AT&T Laboratories, Cambridge - TightVNC by Const Kaplinsky - RealVNC by James "Wez" Weatherall + krfb, KDE's desktop sharing server, by Tim Jansen + x11vnc.c (from libvncserver) by Karl J. Runge + x0rfbserver, the original native X vnc server, by Jens Wagner Much code and ideas from each of those projects is re-used here.