GDALDriverManager Class Reference

#include <gdal_priv.h>

Inheritance diagram for GDALDriverManager:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int GetDriverCount (void)
GDALDriverGetDriver (int)
GDALDriverGetDriverByName (const char *)
int RegisterDriver (GDALDriver *)
void MoveDriver (GDALDriver *, int)
void DeregisterDriver (GDALDriver *)
void AutoLoadDrivers ()
void AutoSkipDrivers ()
const char * GetHome ()
void SetHome (const char *)

Detailed Description

Class for managing the registration of file format drivers.

Use GetGDALDriverManager() to fetch the global singleton instance of this class.

Member Function Documentation

void GDALDriverManager::AutoLoadDrivers (  ) 

Auto-load GDAL drivers from shared libraries.

This function will automatically load drivers from shared libraries. It searches the "driver path" for .so (or .dll) files that start with the prefix "". It then tries to load them and then tries to call a function within them called GDALRegister_X() where the 'X' is the same as the remainder of the shared library basename ('X' is case sensitive), or failing that to call GDALRegisterMe().

There are a few rules for the driver path. If the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH environment variable it set, it is taken to be a list of directories to search separated by colons on UNIX, or semi-colons on Windows. Otherwise the /usr/local/lib/gdalplugins directory, and (if known) the lib/gdalplugins subdirectory of the gdal home directory are searched on UNIX and on Windows.

References CPLFormFilename(), CPLGetBasename(), CPLGetDirname(), CPLGetExecPath(), CPLGetExtension(), and CPLGetSymbol().

Referenced by GDALAllRegister().

void GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers (  ) 

This method unload undesirable drivers.

All drivers specified in the space delimited list in the GDAL_SKIP environmentvariable) will be deregistered and destroyed. This method should normally be called after registration of standard drivers to allow the user a way of unloading undesired drivers. The GDALAllRegister() function already invokes AutoSkipDrivers() at the end, so if that functions is called, it should not be necessary to call this method from application code.

References DeregisterDriver(), and GetDriverByName().

Referenced by GDALAllRegister().

void GDALDriverManager::DeregisterDriver ( GDALDriver poDriver  ) 

Deregister the passed driver.

If the driver isn't found no change is made.

The C analog is GDALDeregisterDriver().

poDriver the driver to deregister.

Referenced by AutoSkipDrivers(), and GDALDeregisterDriver().

GDALDriver * GDALDriverManager::GetDriver ( int  iDriver  ) 

Fetch driver by index.

This C analog to this is GDALGetDriver().

iDriver the driver index from 0 to GetDriverCount()-1.
the number of registered drivers.

Referenced by GDALGetDriver(), GDALIdentifyDriver(), and GDALOpen().

GDALDriver * GDALDriverManager::GetDriverByName ( const char *  pszName  ) 

Fetch a driver based on the short name.

The C analog is the GDALGetDriverByName() function.

pszName the short name, such as GTiff, being searched for.
the identified driver, or NULL if no match is found.

References GDALMajorObject::GetDescription().

Referenced by AutoSkipDrivers(), and RegisterDriver().

int GDALDriverManager::GetDriverCount ( void   ) 

Fetch the number of registered drivers.

This C analog to this is GDALGetDriverCount().

the number of registered drivers.

Referenced by GDALGetDriverCount(), GDALIdentifyDriver(), and GDALOpen().

int GDALDriverManager::RegisterDriver ( GDALDriver poDriver  ) 

Register a driver for use.

The C analog is GDALRegisterDriver().

Normally this method is used by format specific C callable registration entry points such as GDALRegister_GTiff() rather than being called directly by application level code.

If this driver (based on the object pointer, not short name) is already registered, then no change is made, and the index of the existing driver is returned. Otherwise the driver list is extended, and the new driver is added at the end.

poDriver the driver to register.
the index of the new installed driver.

References GDALMajorObject::GetDescription(), GetDriverByName(), and GDALMajorObject::SetMetadataItem().

Referenced by GDALRegisterDriver().

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