GDALProxyPoolDataset Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for GDALProxyPoolDataset:
GDALProxyDataset GDALDataset GDALMajorObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GDALProxyPoolDataset (const char *pszSourceDatasetDescription, int nRasterXSize, int nRasterYSize, GDALAccess eAccess=GA_ReadOnly, int bShared=FALSE, const char *pszProjectionRef=NULL, double *padfGeoTransform=NULL)
void AddSrcBandDescription (GDALDataType eDataType, int nBlockXSize, int nBlockYSize)
virtual const char * GetProjectionRef (void)
virtual CPLErr SetProjection (const char *)
virtual CPLErr GetGeoTransform (double *)
virtual CPLErr SetGeoTransform (double *)
virtual char ** GetMetadata (const char *pszDomain)
virtual const char * GetMetadataItem (const char *pszName, const char *pszDomain)
virtual void * GetInternalHandle (const char *pszRequest)
virtual const char * GetGCPProjection ()
virtual const GDAL_GCPGetGCPs ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual GDALDatasetRefUnderlyingDataset ()
virtual void UnrefUnderlyingDataset (GDALDataset *poUnderlyingDataset)


class GDALProxyPoolRasterBand

Member Function Documentation

const char * GDALProxyPoolDataset::GetGCPProjection (  )  [virtual]

Get output projection for GCPs.

This method is the same as the C function GDALGetGCPProjection().

The projection string follows the normal rules from GetProjectionRef().

internal projection string or "" if there are no GCPs.

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

References GDALDataset::GetGCPProjection().

const GDAL_GCP * GDALProxyPoolDataset::GetGCPs (  )  [virtual]

Fetch GCPs.

This method is the same as the C function GDALGetGCPs().

pointer to internal GCP structure list. It should not be modified, and may change on the next GDAL call.

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

References GDALDataset::GetGCPCount(), and GDALDataset::GetGCPs().

CPLErr GDALProxyPoolDataset::GetGeoTransform ( double *  padfTransform  )  [virtual]

Fetch the affine transformation coefficients.

Fetches the coefficients for transforming between pixel/line (P,L) raster space, and projection coordinates (Xp,Yp) space.

   Xp = padfTransform[0] + P*padfTransform[1] + L*padfTransform[2];
   Yp = padfTransform[3] + P*padfTransform[4] + L*padfTransform[5];

In a north up image, padfTransform[1] is the pixel width, and padfTransform[5] is the pixel height. The upper left corner of the upper left pixel is at position (padfTransform[0],padfTransform[3]).

The default transform is (0,1,0,0,0,1) and should be returned even when a CE_Failure error is returned, such as for formats that don't support transformation to projection coordinates.

NOTE: GetGeoTransform() isn't expressive enough to handle the variety of OGC Grid Coverages pixel/line to projection transformation schemes. Eventually this method will be depreciated in favour of a more general scheme.

This method does the same thing as the C GDALGetGeoTransform() function.

padfTransform an existing six double buffer into which the transformation will be placed.
CE_None on success, or CE_Failure if no transform can be fetched.

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

void * GDALProxyPoolDataset::GetInternalHandle ( const char *   )  [virtual]

Fetch a format specific internally meaningful handle.

This method is the same as the C GDALGetInternalHandle() method.

pszHandleName the handle name desired. The meaningful names will be specific to the file format.
the desired handle value, or NULL if not recognised/supported.

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

char ** GDALProxyPoolDataset::GetMetadata ( const char *  pszDomain  )  [virtual]

Fetch metadata.

The returned string list is owned by the object, and may change at any time. It is formated as a "Name=value" list with the last pointer value being NULL. Use the the CPL StringList functions such as CSLFetchNameValue() to manipulate it.

Note that relatively few formats return any metadata at this time.

This method does the same thing as the C function GDALGetMetadata().

pszDomain the domain of interest. Use "" or NULL for the default domain.
NULL or a string list.

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

References GDALMajorObject::GetMetadata().

const char * GDALProxyPoolDataset::GetMetadataItem ( const char *  pszName,
const char *  pszDomain 
) [virtual]

Fetch single metadata item.

The C function GDALGetMetadataItem() does the same thing as this method.

pszName the key for the metadata item to fetch.
pszDomain the domain to fetch for, use NULL for the default domain.
NULL on failure to find the key, or a pointer to an internal copy of the value string on success.

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

References GDALMajorObject::GetMetadataItem().

const char * GDALProxyPoolDataset::GetProjectionRef ( void   )  [virtual]

Fetch the projection definition string for this dataset.

Same as the C function GDALGetProjectionRef().

The returned string defines the projection coordinate system of the image in OpenGIS WKT format. It should be suitable for use with the OGRSpatialReference class.

When a projection definition is not available an empty (but not NULL) string is returned.

a pointer to an internal projection reference string. It should not be altered, freed or expected to last for long.
See also:

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

CPLErr GDALProxyPoolDataset::SetGeoTransform ( double *   )  [virtual]

Set the affine transformation coefficients.

See GetGeoTransform() for details on the meaning of the padfTransform coefficients.

This method does the same thing as the C GDALSetGeoTransform() function.

padfTransform a six double buffer containing the transformation coefficients to be written with the dataset.
CE_None on success, or CE_Failure if this transform cannot be written.

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

CPLErr GDALProxyPoolDataset::SetProjection ( const char *   )  [virtual]

Set the projection reference string for this dataset.

The string should be in OGC WKT or PROJ.4 format. An error may occur because of incorrectly specified projection strings, because the dataset is not writable, or because the dataset does not support the indicated projection. Many formats do not support writing projections.

This method is the same as the C GDALSetProjection() function.

pszProjection projection reference string.
CE_Failure if an error occurs, otherwise CE_None.

Reimplemented from GDALProxyDataset.

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